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The Hurley Sisters; One Last Olympic Hurrah

USA Fencing Wins Bronze Medal in 2012 London Summer Olympics (Pictured: Kelly Hurley, Hurley Maya, Courtney Hurley, Hurley Susie)

In 2012, fencers Courtney and Kelley Hurley were off to London, England for the Summer Olympic Games, representing the United States in a sport in which the nation has never medaled. The two sisters grew up in San Antonio, Texas where they picked up the sport with the guidance of their mother and father, Tracy and Bob Hurley, former fencers themselves. The pair started Team Hurley Fencing Club in their hometown of San Antonio and trained their daughters in the club. Courtney and Kelley have spent their entire life together, attending the same schools, training and even competing against each other. During the London games, the sisters competed together and became part of the first U.S women’s fencing team to win a medal, earning the bronze. The sisters became the first pair of siblings to qualify for the 2016 Summer Games in Rio, Brazil and will partake in the team competition as well as the individual epee competition where they could wined-up challenging each other for a medal.

Courtney Hurley, 25, is the younger of the two and has long looked up to her sister Kelley. A graduate of Notre Dame, Courtney is grateful for her sister’s guidance and has followed her every step of the way. So it is no surprise that Kelley coming back for another Olympics is a very special moment for not only the sisters but also the rest of the family. The emotions after London became motivation in going to Rio for one last Olympics hurrah. “Well I hope we don’t compete against each other until the medal round but that’s what I am hoping for…. In London it was the best experience! Winning a medal with your sister is way better than winning by yourself! We have two medals in our family now so there’s nothing better competing with your sister.” Earning the medal was a surprising result and forced both sisters, who were contemplating moving on from the sport, to re-evaluate their futures. Courtney wanted to continue, but Kelley was looking for a new and permanent career.

Older sister Kelley Hurley, 28, was unsure of her future in fencing after the 2012 London games. Looking to attend medical school and pursue a career in the medical field, Kelley discussed how her family played a huge role in convincing her to give this Olympic opportunity one more chance. “I was thinking about retiring after the last one, because I got a bronze medal and I thought ‘this can’t get much better than that, I should quit while I’m ahead!’ but my sister wanted to keep going, my dad really wanted to keep going. So it’s hard to turn down especially when it’s become my life! No one is in a super big hurry to be an adult… so I wanted to invest four more years to see if, moving to Houston and everything, I could really make a name for myself other than a bronze medal at the Olympics because you never know, one medal could be a fluke but if we continue proving ourselves I will feel more satisfied with my career!” Kelley has said following these Olympics she will be moving on to pursue her dreams in the medical field and will be enjoying every moment of the summer games.

When asked what has been the best part leading up to Rio, Courtney said, “Recently we have gotten a lot of publicity and that’s been really fun. Before London we got like nothing, it was our first time and we didn’t really know how to get publicity or anything and I was in college, so I couldn’t get any sponsors or anything like that. We got nothing before London but this one we are getting a lot of publicity and it’s really awesome. “ As the sisters begin this journey together, in what will be their last Olympics appearance, improving on their last Olympic results is the goal, and if they end up with Gold it would be the ultimate way to leave the sport they love on top, on the worlds biggest stage, the Olympics.

Keep track of Kelley and Courtney with MyWSports’ Coverage of this Summer Olympics in Rio.

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