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Women's History Wednesday Profile: Ora Washington.

It is quite an accomplishment for an athlete to know that she is the undisputed best at her game, during her time. The conversation of the greatest of all time is a bit more difficult, but the best in a moment can be measured. However for Ora Washington, she was denied the opportunity to prove she was the greatest tennis player of her time because of her race.

Ora Mae Washington began her tennis career at the suggestion of a YWCA instructor. At the age of 25, Washington was grief-stricken by the passing of one of her sisters. She took up tennis as a hobby, and a year later, won her American Tennis Association (ATA) title. From 1917 through 1950, the ATA was the home for black tennis players, mostly because black players were not welcomed anywhere else. The ATA was founded to provide black tennis players with everything from playing courts to housing accommodations, things often denied black players because of Segregation Laws.

Complete Dominance

Washington (second from left) and Althea Gibson (fourth from left)win 1947 Mixed Doubles Title

From 1929 to 1936, Washington held her title in the all black ATA. Washington won seven consecutive singles titles, winning 8 titles in the nine years overall. In the 1940’s Washington added 15 championships to her tally, competing in doubles (12 titles), and mixed doubles (3 titles) tournaments. Washington won the 1947 mixed doubles ATA title with fellow tennis pioneer, Althea Gibson.

Washington originally decided to retire and pursue other things in the 1940’s. However, the new champion in her wake, Flora Lomax, pressured the former champion out of retirement, wanting to prove that she was indeed, the true champion. Washington beat Lomax with little difficulty, and remained in tennis for several more years. It has been reported that Washington retired, for the second time, at the request of the ATA. The association reported that younger talent was unwilling to compete against Washington. The reigning champion appeased the ATA and retired for good.

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During the 1930’s Helen Wills Moody also took the tennis scene by storm, collecting titles in England, France and the United States. Overall, Moody tallied 19 singles, 9 doubles and 3 mixed doubles titles, as well as two Olympic Gold Medals. Moody and Washington never competed in the same tournaments due to racists policies of the time. Before Moody retired in 1938, she refused to play against Washington, never giving the ATA champion a chance to play against her toughest competition, on paper at least.

All-Around Athlete

Washington (standing, fourth from left) and the Tribunes

While Washington was mostly known for her skills on the tennis court, she was also dominant in basketball. After winning her third straight ATA title, Washington was recruited to play for the Philadelphia Tribunes. The team posted a near-perfect record through the 1930’s, dominating the women’s game. Washington played, coached and led the team in points throughout the run.

During the depression, independent and collegiate women’s teams alike were cutting back. Bennett College for Women in Greensboro, North Carolina and the Philadelphia-based Tribunes dominated the sport. Fans and media started growing interest in a battle of the best. In 1934, the teams squared off in a best of three series to determine the National Black Women’s Basketball Champion. Washington and The Tribunes came out victorious.

“They never saw Ora Washington of Philadelphia, who may have been the best female athlete ever.” - Arthur Ashe

Ora Mae Washington died in 1971. She has since been inducted into the Black Athletes Hall of Fame (1975) and Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame (2009). Despite the fact that she never got to cross the color barrier, Washington left an indelible mark on those who did.

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